OneGreatFamily Tip: Advanced Dashboard
Try The "Advanced Dashboard' On Family Dashboard
The last couple of weeks we have been discussing features of Family Dashboard. This week we would like to tell you about the "Advanced Dashboard " tab:
This tab allows you to take full advantage of all the space on your computer monitor. The trend with computers is toward larger monitors with high resolution. The Default Dashboard is set to a 3 columns of a fixed size, so on a bigger monitor it just sits in the middle with a lot of wasted space on the sides. On the other hand, the Advanced Dashboard will expand to take up your full monitor size. It also allows you to adjust the number of columns from 1 to 5, further utilizing the space of your monitor.
We also removed the graphics at the top of the Family Dashboard. This means you can see more widgets on the screen at one time, reducing the amount of scrolling you have to do and allowing you to see more information about your family tree at a glance.
We recommend that all our members switch from the "Default Dashboard " to the "Advanced Dashboard " to enhance your Family Dashboard experience. Visit OneGreatFamily today and switch over to "Advanced Dashboard” right now!
OneGreatFamily today and switch over to "Advanced Dashboard."