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OneGreatFamily Guest Newsletter

January 11, 2007

Get More Genealogy Done In 2007 With OneGreatFamily

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Get More Genealogy Done In 2007 With OneGreatFamily

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Did you know that most New Year resolutions fail simply because they require us to reallocate our time? Setting new goals means learning how to juggle even more things in our already hectic schedules. More time exercising means less time at work. More reading time means less time with the kids. Just resolving to change won't make old habits and pressures simply go away. So no matter how lofty our goals and resolutions, we are often dragged back into our same routines and time constraints and our new interests are abandoned for another year.

If you're reading this newsletter, it's a good bet that you resolved to spend more time on your genealogy in 2007. Are you finding it hard to make that time? May we suggest that, instead of spending more time, you focus on being more efficient in your genealogy in this new year?

That's where OneGreatFamily can be of tremendous help. OneGreatFamily helps you be much more efficient in your genealogy efforts. We do this in three ways:

1. OneGreatFamily focuses your attention on both obvious and probable matches. Instead of forcing you to wade through mountains of useless records, OneGreatFamily automatically discards the obvious mismatches. In the case of clear matches, our system automatically accepts them and marks them for your review by putting a yellow exclamation mark beside them on your individual family tree! The probable matches are separately identified and highlighted for you with a "light bulb" icon. The system calls these "hints."

2. OneGreatFamily does all the searching for you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Our search system is constantly comparing your entire family tree against any existing or newly entered data. Think of all the time you save by not having to enter each name of interest into a search engine, then adjusting the search criteria to try to get to a manageable number of results.

3. OneGreatFamily allows you to leverage the efforts of thousands of other genealogy enthusiasts. Many individuals spend needless hours, days and weeks searching for names that others have already found, documented and recorded into the OneGreatFamily tree. When you use OneGreatFamily you will be provided those names without any work by you! The only step that you need to take to get started is to submit any family names that you may have. Then check back every once in a while to see what we've found. Many users see their family trees grow faster than they ever expected!
And while OneGreatFamily can make you much more efficient with your time, it also is efficient with your money. OneGreatFamily is a service that can help you save money in a whole range of ways— on family tree software, travel expenses, photocopies, mail, professional assistance, and data access. The annual subscription is about 21 cents per day! OneGreatFamily does not charge for its genealogy software program or for our user-submitted data. We only charge for the unique service that we provide in adding new individuals to your family tree or showing you where your family tree differs from the family trees submitted by others.

So make yourself more efficient in your genealogy effort this year and make at least one New Year's Resolution a reality for 2007. Imagine how much of your genealogy can be completed by this time next year!

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Success at OneGreatFamily

Learn About Some Members Who Have Had Success Using OneGreatFamily

We are pleased with the high praise we at OneGreatFamily continue to receive from our members. We enjoy hearing about the success our members have in building their family trees at OneGreatFamily.

Last week we received the following email from Jim and Barb Walker:

OneGreatFamily took me from 1252 back to the beginning of time from the Tremayne family. This is so awesome. Through them I also have found realities from the Tremayne Family that has helped put pieces of the puzzle together.  I am hoping for the same luck with my Walker Family.

Thanks again.

ps. I recommend this program to every one!!!!!!

You can view more success stories by visiting:

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"Making Genealogy Magic" with Mandy Mathews

Revolutionary War Pension Applications

by Mandy Mathews, Family Historian

Military Records are a valuable source of genealogical information. The most beneficial Military Records available are Pension applications. Dating back to the Revolutionary War, the United States has kept record of all applications for military pensions. These records are valuable because the applicant needed to prove their relationship to the Veteran. If the application was filled out by anyone other than the Veteran, proof of their relationship to the Veteran needed to be established. Records might include; a spouse’s maiden name, marriage date, and a list of children. These records are available through the U.S. National Archives as well as This website is available to most public and University libraries, free of charge with your library card from your own home. HeritageQuestOnline is accessed through the library website.

You are able to view scans of the original application on HeritageQuestOnline. Like any historical record, the information varies from one to the next. One application may contain a list of the veteran’s entire immediate family, while the next will contain only the spouse’s name. Since the Revolutionary War Pension applications are available online, it only takes a few minutes to search for them and is well worth the effort.

When searching for these records, all of the information requested may not be available to you. It is okay to search with limited information. Often times searching with little information will lead to finding more relatives than you had originally intended to find. Remember to take the time and look through the results of your search, even if an applicant appears to be not your relative. It is common to find an ancestor used a different name or had a nickname. Always consider the possibility that your information may be incomplete or incorrect. Keep your mind open and willing to accept new possibilities or even contrary information. The ability to consider variations of names and places is critical to successful genealogical research. Take a few minutes to research Revolutionary War Pension applications, the results might be incredible.

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One Great Genealogy Site Award

Find Your Female Ancestors

The website,, has a unique section titled, "Find Your Female Ancestors." As many of you may have discovered, female ancestors are often hard to find. Because of name changes and lost marriage records, it is often difficult, if not impossible, to find your female ancestors' lineage. At, you will find a free genealogy database containing female ancestors submitted by visitors to help find your female ancestors and surnames. 

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    Managing Editor: Heather Matthews
    Contributors: Heather Matthews, Mandy Mathews and Rob Armstrong
    Editor: Eric Hoffman

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