3 Concepts That Explain How OneGreatFamily Is
Different From Other Genealogy Services
There are some key differences between OneGreatFamily
and other genealogy services that you need to understand
to take full advantage of what we have to offer. Though
OneGreatFamily is not a new service, it is quite
revolutionary to the genealogy community. We have come
up with 3 main principles that explain what exactly
makes us so unique and how our cutting-edge, yet
simple, approach to genealogy can greatly help you
in building your family tree.
Concept 1 - OneGreatFamily is a Single Family
OneGreatFamily is a single, global family tree which
everyone helps to build. It's not just a collection of
individual trees that people work on alone. This means
that when ANYONE works on OneGreatFamily, they are also
working on your tree, and when you work on your tree,
you are collaborating with others to explore their
family trees.
As OneGreatFamily members add to
the global family tree, the system searches to see if
any of the names submitted could be your ancestors. Even
if we find some of your ancestors today, we may find
more in a week, a month, or a year. Just think; while
you're concentrating on a maternal line, OneGreatFamily
may identify a breakthrough on your paternal side! Your
next step forward could come when you are sleeping,
making dinner, or enjoying an evening out with friends,
all thanks to the efforts of tens of thousands of
OneGreatFamily members.
Concept 2 - OneGreatFamily Searches and Sifts
For You
OneGreatFamily automatically does all the "search and
sift" work for you. Let's face it, most traditional
genealogy websites are based on "search and sift", where
you initiate a search and then have to start sifting
through the tens of thousands of matches you get back.
Obviously, most of these possible matches will be wrong
and a few may clearly be right. The rest have to be
sorted and checked.
OneGreatFamily does all this
tedious work for you. We automatically search all the
people you enter against every person entered in the
OneGreatFamily database. Then, we sift the results
automatically and divide them into 3 categories:
- Obvious non-matches. These are
automatically ignored and you aren't bothered with
- Obvious matches. These are
automatically merged by the system. Sometimes the
obvious matches show minor discrepancies in the
information. An automatic merge never destroys data.
Any differences in information are saved and are
tagged as "conflicts" in the new single
- Possible matches. These are
referred to as "Hints". Instead of endlessly sifting
through obviously incorrect search results,
OneGreatFamily focuses your attention and effort on
likely matches.
Concept 3 - OneGreatFamily Handles Different
OneGreatFamily easily handles differences of opinion.
Sometimes genealogists disagree. Perhaps there is
documentation supporting multiple dates for the same
event or even regarding parentage.
Because of its
collaborative foundation, OneGreatFamily is built to
handle these situations. These discrepancies are called
"conflicts". OneGreatFamily will never force you to
accept someone else's information, nor someone else to
accept yours.
There are two primary types of
conflicts: informational and relational. Informational
conflicts occur when a fact is in dispute, perhaps a
birth date or a marriage location. Relational conflicts
occur when a family relationship is in question. In
resolving both types of conflicts, you will be presented
with your information and the conflicting information.
You will then be given a choice to 1) accept the
alternate information presented, 2) clear the conflict,
which means you are satisfied with your information and
no longer want to consider any alternative information,
or 3) cancel for now, which will allow you to postpone
making a choice until you can find more information.
Dive into OneGreatFamily and see what we can do for
your family tree.