Have you been seeing lightning bolts all over your family tree? In Genealogy Browser there is an icon on the toolbar that looks like a lightning bolt. This feature is called All Conflicts. When this icon is selected it enables you to see the conflicts that are on your family tree (these are visible in both the Starfield and the Handprint views). You can also unselect this and get rid of the lightning bolts on your tree.
So what is a conflict? A conflict is an alternate view. It means that another user has this person on their tree, but the information is slightly different. Due to these differences, OneGreatFamily has not merged these records. When you click on the lightning bolt icon you are able to see both your view (on the left) and the alternate view (on the right).
Sometimes the difference between the two records is a simple as a misspelled name, or could be a difference in date, place, parents, siblings, sibling order, etc.
Once you look at the conflict you have the option to ignore or accept the other view. If you ignore the other view, then it will remain a conflict (meaning you will still see the lightning bolt), but you will continue to see your own information and the other user will continue to see their information. If you choose to accept their information then you will lose your view (the information that you entered in) and accept the other user's view and information. It will then merge the two records and the conflict will be resolved.
You should be careful when resolving conflicts, because once you have accepted another user's view it will alter your family tree and could alter relationships in your tree. It may be that another user's information is more correct and if so, it is good to resolve the conflict; just make sure that it is correct.