If you are new to OneGreatFamily or if you want to increase your knowledge of the many unique features of OneGreatFamily, you can visit the "Get Started" tab when you login.
At the bottom of the page you will see a section with over 30 video tutorials that explain how OneGreatFamily works! Here is a capture of the page and you can see the enormous video section at the bottom of the page:
Some videos explain how OneGreatFamily is unique. Other videos are tutorials that walk you through how to use a feature in Genealogy Browser.
OneGreatFamily is a very unique and revolutionary genealogy service. No other website today does for you what OneGreatFamily does. Some members and guests of OneGreatFamily sometimes have a hard time understanding all that OneGreatFamily has to offer. This is the reason why we created a series of videos that quickly highlight and explain how to use OneGreatFamily.
We encourage you to use these videos so you can better understand all that OneGreatFamily has to offer to you.