Mayflower Passengers

Passenger Name Birth Death OGFN *
Alden, John 1598 1687 207731570
Allerton, Bartholomew 1612 1658 594277813
Allerton, Isaac 1586 1658 598446515
Allerton, John - 1620 None
Allerton, Mary 1616 1699 596035011
Allerton, Mary Norris 1590 1620 596905599
Allerton, Remember 1614 1652 598445804
Billington, Eleanor 1582 1642 567295916
Billington, Francis 1606 1684 597369428
Billington, John 1580 1630 593523813
Billington, John II 1605 1627 569741525
Bradford, Dorothy Mae 1597 1620 589916225
Bradford, William 1589 1657 594663367
Brewster, Love 1611 1650 597160615
Brewster, Mary 1569 1627 582810845
Brewster, William 1566 1644 582810845
Brewster, Wrestling 1614 1627 572352890
Britteridge, Richard - 1620 532110523
Browne, Peter 1594 1633 555520584
Butten, William - 1620 None
Carter, Robert - 1620 None
Carver, John - 1621 501493003
Carver, Katherine White 1570 1621 526569637
Carver's Maidservant, Dorothy - 1624 597253187
Chilton, James 1556 1620 587390172
Chilton, Mary 1607 1679 597560379
Chilton, Mrs. 1560 1621 598600739
Clarke, Richard - - None
Cooke, Francis 1583 1663 598527447
Cooke, John 1607 1695 570062524
Cooper, Humility 1619 1651 591643968
Crackston, John 1560 1621 532110780
Crackston, John II 1600 1627 532110782
Doty, Edward 1597 1655 591567421
Eaton, Francis 1596 1633 597285264
Eaton, Mrs. Sarah 1600 1621 597285278
Eaton, Samuel 1620 1684 597285492
Ely, Mr. - - None
English, Thomas - - None
Fletcher, Moses 1565 1621 571300987
Fuller, Edward 1575 1621 585903507
Fuller, Mrs. - 1621 588120020
Fuller, Samuel 1580 1633 577955765
Fuller, Samuel II 1608 1683 588515912
Gardinar, Richard 1582 1651 532127504
Goodman, John - 1627 532127505
Holbeck, William 1599 1621 132322448
Hooke, John 1607 1621 571301019
Hopkins, Constance 1606 1677 None
Hopkins, Damaris 1619 1627 208286164
Hopkins, Elizabeth Fisher 1585 1644 208286160
Hopkins, Giles 1607 1688 None
Hopkins, Oceanus 1620 1623 208286165
Hopkins, Stephen 1581 1644 208286159
Howland, John 1599 1673 598491016
Langmore, John 1599 1621 132324101
Latham, William 1609 1651 None
Leister, Edward 1595 1651 132305104
Margesson, Edmund 1599 1621 132305105
Martin, Christopher 1580 1621 578428264
Martin, Mary Prower 1585 1621 578906110
Minter, Desire 1618 1651 532128976
More, Ellen 1612 1621 522974842
More, Jasper 1613 1620 522974958
More, Mary 1616 1621 532129007
More, Richard 1614 1696 522974835
Mullins, Joseph 1605 1621 568227998
Mullins, Mrs. Alice 1575 1621 594951433
Mullins, Priscilla 1602 1687 207656183
Mullins, William 1572 1621 598489191
Priest, Degory 1597 1621 594798352
Prower, Solomon 1600 1620 578906206
Rigsdale, Alice - 1621 132425350
Rigsdale, John - 1621 132425349
Rogers, Joseph 1602 1678 597212783
Rogers, Thomas 1572 1621 597212355
Samson, Henry 1603 1684 580697737
Soule, George 1595 1679 591805154
Standish, Mrs. Rose 1585 1621 575567792
Standish, Myles 1584 1656 584574616
Story, Elias 1599 1621 532148584
Thompson, Edward 1599 1620 None
Tilley, Ann Cooper 1585 1621 592276514
Tilley, Edward 1588 1621 597549917
Tilley, Elizabeth 1607 1687 598180985
Tilley, Joan Hurst 1567 1621 591929619
Tilley, John 1571 1621 597879934
Tinker, Mrs. Thomas - 1621 529352508
Tinker, Son of Thomas - 1621 529352507
Tinker, Thomas - 1621 529352506
Trevore, William - - None
Turner, John - 1621 None
Turner, Son #1 of John - 1621 None
Turner, Son #2 of John - 1621 None
Warren, Richard - 1628 596416320
White, Mrs. Susanna - 1675 591924621
White, Resolved 1615 1687 592639386
White, William - 1620 591924620
Wilder, Roger 1599 1621 529352493
Williams, Thomas 1582 1621 None
Winslow, Edward 1695 1655 591015392
Winslow, Elizabeth Barker - 1621 594735354
Winslow, Gilbert 1600 1631 143530117
* Unique OneGreatFamily record number. Click to view the individual's tree in GenealogyBrowser(tm).

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Mayflower Descendants

The Mayflower

So much has been written about the passengers on the Mayflower and their descendants that it is difficult to summarize the findings of others. The Mayflower, apparently one of several by that name, landed in what was to become Plymouth, Massachusetts, in November 1620 with one hundred and two passengers and a crew of about 25 on board - families, single people and servants (one of whom remains unnamed). Crew members had signed a contract that bound them to stay in America with the passengers for one year. There were one or two deaths and one birth on board while they were crossing the Atlantic from Southampton, England. Within a year of landing, half of them had died.

The Mayflower was originally destined to land at the mouth of the Hudson River (then known as Northern Virginia) but was blown off course by winter winds. Passengers and crew spent that first winter on board ship, moving onto shore in March 1621. About half of the passengers were English Separatists or Pilgrims, who were searching for religious freedom. William Bradford, a leading force among the passengers and the first governor of Massachusetts, left the most detailed account of the voyage and early settlement. In May 1621 the Mayflower returned to England with a skeleton crew.

At Thanksgiving every year, we commemorate the survival of these Pilgrims during their first year in America. We watch television shows about the love story of John Alden (the ship's cooper who joined the settlers) and Priscilla Mullins (who came with her parents and brother), yet they were not the only couple to marry and have a family. Many of the passengers came in family groups and others married after arriving. In fact, according to the web site, tens of millions Americans today can claim to be descendants of the Mayflower passengers.

Numerous branches of the Mayflower Society and the Society of Mayflower Descendants have been established in nearly every state in the Union, and many web sites have been set up from which you can learn about Mayflower descendants. For example, the web site is maintained by the Pennsylvania chapter of the Society of Mayflower Descendants.

No fewer than eight American presidents, and many other famous Americans, can claim to be a Mayflower descendant. Volumes of family histories have been written about all of the Mayflower passengers who survived and procreated. These books are available at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City and in the Harold B. Lee Library of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, as well, no doubt, as in many other public, university and research libraries. Web sites such as and provide information on descendants of Mayflower passengers. Who knows - there may be many descendants living throughout the world by now!

Some families have legends that their ancestors came on the Mayflower; others have proven it through documentation of original records. Many other Americans do not realize that they are descended from the Pilgrims, as all the survivors came to be known regardless of their reasons for sailing to America. While not necessarily an easy task, it is usually possible for a trained researcher to trace a line backwards through time to the earliest New England settlers, or follow the Mayflower descendant lines forward to our time through the family histories of the settlers that have been written.

An interesting aspect of the interest and respect given to this time period and group of people is the creation of a living village called "Plimoth Plantation", which represents Plymouth colony in 1627. Their web site is

The Mayflower Descendant, a periodical which was in abeyance for many years but now recently recommenced, is available in periodical form as well as a CD. The web site provides more information and a link to, where you can purchase the CD.

So, if your family history has not yet been traced back to the very first settlers in New England, you may want to do some research and find out if you are descended from the Mayflower settlers.

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