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Share More Than A Turkey Dinner With Your Family

For most of us, the word "family" brings to mind holidays, reunions, summer vacations and visits to Grandma and Grandpa. But for many of us, that word - family - takes us no further. Few of us have memories of great-grandparents and we may not even recognize the names of ancestors before that. That our experience with our families is limited to only those we've met and known in person is unfortunate - and unnecessary.

Our families, even those members who lived generations before us, are the stuff we are made of. They are our roots, our beginnings and they influence our lives in ways we may not even understand.

This year your family celebration could mean so much more by working together on a gift for future generations: your family tree.

We would like to help you give your loved ones the precious gift of learning more about themselves by finding out more about their family history. Over Thanksgiving dinner invite your friends and family to join you at OneGreatFamily. 

At OneGreatFamily we have strong feelings about the joy and family unity that can come from working together on your family tree. Invite your family and friends to join you as well at OneGreatFamily to get excited about their genealogy.

Members of OneGreatFamily already know the benefits of collaborating with other genealogists from all over the globe in locating their ancestors and merging their own family tree with the world's first true global family tree - found at 

Now you can share your experience with all your family members. Tell your family to visit OneGreatFamily and see what we can do for their family tree. 

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