Family Search

The genealogy process is infamous for requiring long tedious hours spent searching through unrelated names on a computer database, or looking through dusty books in a genealogy library. Not exactly fun...right? Well, this drab family search routine is now a thing of the past. The OneGreatFamily genealogical database offers the following features, which make finding your family lineage a fast, effective, and enjoyable process.

OneGreatFamily Features
OneGreatFamily provides you with the following features:

A OneGreatFamily Scenario
Imagine for a moment that you have only a few names on your family tree. You decide to submit these names to OneGreatFamily's database. Then, you sit back and relax as OneGreatFamily begins its automated process.

First, OneGreatFamily searches and sifts through the millions of names in its database, and compares those names with the new names that you have just submitted. OneGreatFamily locates matches and shows them to you ranked by percentage of confidence they are correct from 'obvious' matches to 'possible' matches (These matches always have some relevance). Then, when convenient for you, you can approve the matches, and collaborate with other OneGreatFamily members in order to find even more!

Additional OneGreatFamily Benefits
In addition, OneGreatFamily provides the following benefits:

. Begin your family search research where others have left off
. Search millions of names and expand your family search
. Edit your family search data anytime- and from just about anywhere
. Find out the research that has been done on your family search already
. View your entire family tree at once

Ancestor Search

Enter Ancestor's Last Name:
Advanced Search
See what information we have in our database of over 190 million unique entries. Browse Alphabetically
  • Photos
  • Biographies
  • Histories
  • Country Origin
  • Alternate Spellings
  • Number of Generations
“...One person can't possibly do all of the work alone. They need help to speed up the work...The only way to do this is with your wonderful service...”
—Jeff Bagley
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